Reduce Charges to Misdemeanor (Prop 47) in Orange County
Have you heard about Prop 47 reduction? If you have been convicted of a felony, now you can get a felony reduction to a misdemeanor under the “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” Recently, California voters passed Proposition 47 which is also called Misdemeanor Penalties, Initiative Statue, or Criminal Sentences that reduces the penalties for some drug and theft crimes in Orange County and throughout California. It includes a multitude of crimes which were previously considered felonies under California law and are now being changed to misdemeanors in the majority of situations.
Some of the felonies that have been changed to misdemeanors are listed below:
● Shoplifting, if the value of the stolen property is less than or equal to $950
● Auto theft, if the car stolen is worth $950 or less
● Receiving stolen property, if the property received costs $950 or less
● Grand theft firearm, if the gun stolen is worth $950 or less
● Forgery of a traveler’s check, a check, money order, etc. which is less than or equal to $950
● Possession of concentrated cannabis or a controlled substance
As per Proposition 47, the maximum penalty for these crimes is:
● A fine of up to $1000, and/ or
● Up to 1 year in county jail
This measure does not apply to:
● People who are required to register as sex offenders for previous sex offense convictions
● Individuals who have previous convictions for some serious crimes like rape, child molestation, and murder
If you want to reduce your drug charges, then you can visit California Criminal Defense Center, a well established law office founded by attorney Ardalon Fakhimi. The offenders who are convicted of any of the above listed crimes in Orange County can schedule an appointment with Mr. Fakhimi. He has 14 years of extensive experience in handling criminal defense cases. He personally handles all the essential aspects of a client’s case, from beginning to end. California Criminal Defense Center is a detail-oriented law office which vigilantly strategizes all cases.
If you have a new or an old drug possession conviction, Mr. Fakhimi can analyze your case and can file a petition to reduce charges to misdemeanor. He has successfully litigated many of these petitions and has helped many offenders get relief for their convictions. If you are unsure whether you qualify for the reduction, you can call us at (949) 374-6308, and get all your questioned addressed by Mr. Fakhimi.